Thursday, 4 July 2019

Research and Scholarly Works

Journal Articles

Digital Literacy Education

Lim, J. and Brown, C. (2019). Broadening digital literacy education in consideration of third-level digital divides. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Brown, C., Lim, J. and Vogt, M. (2019). Conceptualising Digital Bildung for Digital Literacy Education. Manuscript in preparation.

Teacher Education and Learning

Lim, J., Fickel, L. & Greenwood, J. (2019) Mapping the landscape of professional inquiry as a form of teacher learning in New Zealand: a narrative inquiry into one teacher’s experience, Professional Development in Education, DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2019.1689526

Lim, J., Fickel, L. and Greenwood, J. (2019). Meaningful teacher accountability through professional inquiry: A narrative inquiry into one teacher's experience. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Lim, J., Rātima, M, and Fickel, L. (2019). Guiding the teaching-as-inquiry process through the Hikairo Schema. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Lim, J., Togiaso, J. and Fickel, L. (2019). Unpacking the practicalities of the Tapasā Framework for teachers. Manuscript in preparation.

Conference Contributions - Published

Digital Literacy Education

Lim, J. and Brown, C. (2019). Implementing Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action (C-DELTA) with Pre-service Teachers (PSTs) in New Zealand. Paper presented at the Ninth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF9), Edinburgh, Scotland, 9 – 12 September 2019. British Columbia, Canada: Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Conference Contributions - Other

Digital Literacy Education

Lim, J. and Brown, C. (2019). Promoting wellbeing in digital teaching and learning environments. University of Canterbury: NZARE 2019 conference, 17-20 November 2019.

Lim, J. and Brown, C. (2019). Implementing commonwealth digital education leadership training in action (C-DELTA) with pre-service teachers (PSTs) in New Zealand. Commonwealth of Learning and the Open University: Ninth Pan-Commonwealth Forum, 9-12 September, 2019.

Brown, C. and Lim, J. (2019). How to prepare digital education leaders. Commonwealth of Learning and the Open University: Ninth Pan-Commonwealth Forum, 9-12 September, 2019.

Lim, J. and Brown, C. (2019). Developing pre-service teachers' capacity as digital leaders. University of Hamburg: ECER 2019 Conference, 3-6 September, 2019.

Teacher Education and Learning

Lim, J. (2019). Re-envisioning the teaching-as-inquiry cycle through the Hikairo Schema. University of Canterbury: NZARE 2019 conference, 17-20 November 2019. 

Lim, J. (2019). Illuminating cultural considerations within teacher narratives of professional inquiry experiences. University of Hamburg: ECER 2019 Conference, 3-6 September 2019. 

Lim, J. (2016). Considering the politics of teacher learning within formalised teacher inquiry. Victoria University of Wellington: NZARE 2016 conference, 20-23 November 2016.

Lim, J. (2016). Exploring ways to foster teachers’ mana in teacher inquiry. Victoria University of Wellington: NZARE 2016 conference, 20-23 November 2016.

Lim, J. (2015). Exploring teacher inquiry through narratives of experience. 
Corvinus University of Budapest: ECER 2015 Emerging Researchers' Conference, 2-3 September 2015. 

Lim, J. (2015). Understanding teacher inquiry through stories. University of Canterbury: UCSA Showcase 2015 conference. 

Lim, J. (2014). A narrative understanding of primary school teachers in New Zealand’s experiences with teacher inquiry. University of Canterbury: UCSA Showcase 2014 conference. 


Lim, J., (2016). Teacher inquiry in New Zealand: A montage. (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). University of Canterbury, New Zealand.